Keep Sedona Tidy
There are Marigolds everywhere. The vivid yellow against the ubiquitous deep-red that is Sedona’s adopted colour – an easy choice as the town is surrounded by nothing but dusky red rocks – Red Rock Town. The dog-shit repositories are more elegant than a British Georgian postbox and the elevator to street level is a gleaming glass cube with views over the town. The car park is awash with Marigolds, the outside of the toilets are Marigolds. Marigolds upon Marigolds. If I was venturing on a psychic journey this is surely the only possible starting point.
“So, ya got a problem with the Muslims?”
“Err, no. Do you have a problem with dysfunctional white teenage heavy metal fans armed with assault rifles?”
We float gracefully out of the shop and don’t buy his overpriced ‘I ❤️Sedona’ organic unbleached T-shirt. An outrageously priced juice is bought but we don’t stop to enjoy it on the street as that is probably illegal. No auras are read even though I am itching and almost desperate for the experience, what on earth could they say?
“Woah, yours looks like elk-guts and a Durango hangover.” Maybe next time.
We still love Sedona. Ashly watches the stars whilst referring to her new Star App which has no idea which hemisphere we are in… the 25,000ft picture window doesn’t care.